The American Alliance of Theatre and Education named Mr. Taylor the recipiant of their JOHN C. BARNER TEACHER OF THE YEAR AWARD for 2008: the award Honors an individual member of AATE who is currently teaching Theatre on the secondary school level and who has developed an exemplary program.
The American High School Theatre Festival is the sponsoring organization for Weaver's participation in the Edinburg, Scotland Fringe Festival in August 2010. We've been invited back annually since 2010.
Take a look at the website of our friends over at Citi Arts. You'll find listings for all their production groups as well as the Children's Theatre productions which sometimes take place right here at Weaver.
One of the best research tools to find images of historical periods, clothing, furniture, etc.
The International Thespian Society is the student branch of the EDTA. Check out their site for information on thespians, publications, competitions, and festivals. You can also check out information on their National Festival held each summer in Lincoln Nebraska.
Mr. Taylor serves as President Emeritus (after nine years as President) of this State's Theatre Teachers Association on their leadership team. Among other things, NCTAE sponsors a playwriting contest each year.
NCTC North Carolina Theatre Conference:
Check out this link to find out about the NCTC one-act competition, their state conference (at Greensboro College), and their college and university fair and auditions.
TECH: costume templates.
You can use these figures for drawing costumesTriad StageTake a look at the offerings for Greensboro's own regional theatre. Weaver theatre students will attend a school day matinee of one of their shows.
UNCG Department of Theatre
Check out the offerings from UNCG's theatre season. We will be participating in their SUPER SATURDAY workshops and musical performances.
Check out our partners over at UNCG who produce the Theatre for Youth series. In 2008 we were able to partner with them and their Suzan Zeder residency and the production of A TASTE OF SUNRISE. In the years since we have attended their shows, met actors and designers, and got behind the scenes looks at their production process.